
Scholarship & Fellowship Recipients

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 fellowship and scholarship awardees. This year the ACI Foundation was able to award 29 fellowships and 15 scholarships to students from 35 different institutions.


Nima Khodadadi, University of Miami
ACI Foundation Concrete Materials Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Academics/Education, Concrete Design, and Sustainability

Grant Harrington, Oklahoma State University
ACI Foundation Concrete Practitioner Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Construction/Field, Concrete Materials, and Sustainability

Artem Egorov, University of Florida
ACI Foundation Future Concrete Industry Leader Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, Concrete Materials, and Sustainability

Mohammad Albashiti, Clemson University
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, and Academics/Education

Monjee Almustafa, McMaster University
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, and Academics/Education

Will Pahl, University of Saskatchewan
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Masonry, Forensic Engineering, Concrete Design, and Academics/Education

Sofiane Amroun, University of Miami
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials Science, Sustainability, and Forensic Engineering

Balaram Luitel, The University of Texas at Arlington
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Jacob Yager, Queen's University
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Concrete Design, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Abdulrahman Salah, University of Houston
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Concrete Design, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Brittany Multer, The Ohio State University
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Yoonjung Han, Texas A&M University
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Benjamin (Bo) Rider, Georgia Institute of Technology
ACI Foundation Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Concrete Design, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Mahmoud Higazey, King Saud University
ACI Middle East Fellowship

Focus of Study: Composite & Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Structural Analysis

Ann Albright, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
ACI Presidents' Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Forensic Engineering, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Matthew Pasemann, Texas State University
AOE Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Industry Management

Austin Mizen, Bowling Green University
Baker Student Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Industry Management, Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, and Construction/Field

Abigail Erich, The Pennsylvania State University
Baker Student Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Industry Management and Construction/Field

Isaac Oyawoye, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Barbara S. and W. Calvin McCall Carolinas Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, Sustainability, and Construction/Field

Md. Lutfor Rahman, Iowa State University
Burg-Coleman Iowa State '77 Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education.

Camille Davis, University of Louisville
Charles Pankow Foundation Student Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, Sustainability, and Construction/Field

Nicholas Barrio, Texas A&M University
Don Marks Memorial Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete/Field, Concrete Materials, and Academics/Education

Merrill (Kaid) Nygren, Texas State University
Elmer Baker Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, Concrete Materials, and Construction/Field

Aakriti Khadka, North Carolina State University
JoAnne K. & Cecil L. Jones Carolinas Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, Forensic Engineering, and Construction/Field

Segun Osibodu, Auburn University
Nicolas F. Maloof Jr. GA Chapter Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Forensic Engineering, Sustainability, and Concrete Materials

Tyler Wood, South Dakota State University
Robert F. Mast Memorial Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design and Forensic Engineering

Thomas Carnes, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ronald G. Burg Leadership Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Hossein Kabir, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
S.P. Shah Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Sustainability, Forensic Engineering, and Academics/Education

Catherine Lucero, Oregon State University
Tribute to the Founders Fellowship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Construction/Field

Amjad Diab, The University of Texas at Austin
ACI Foundation Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Concrete Design, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Bayezid Baten, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
ACI Foundation Scholarship

Focus of Study: Construction/Field, Construction Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Joel Freitas, University of Massachusetts Amherst
ACI Foundation Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Sherryen Mutoka, University of Notre Dame
W. Gene Corley Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, Construction Field, and Forensic Engineering

Dennis Brickl, University of Wisconsin Platteville
ACI 201 Undergraduate Durability Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Industry Management, and Construction/Field

Tu-Nam Nguyen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bernard Erlin Memorial Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials and Sustainability

Luca Galli, University of Miami
Bertold E. Weinberg Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Industry Management, Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, and Sustainability

James Stewart, University of Arkansas, Bell Engineering Center
Katharine & Bryant Mather Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Mehran Aziminezhad, Lakehead University
Nick Bada – ACI Ontario Chapter Graduate Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Jackson Kaszas, Rutgers University
Master Builders Solutions Concrete Materials Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Industry Management, Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, and Sustainability

Kenan Johnson, Saint Louis University
Richard D. Stehly Memorial Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Industry Management, Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Maxwell Edman, University of Illinois at Chicago
Roger S. Johnston Memorial Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Rebecca Rasmussen, Brigham Young University
Schwing America Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education

Md Shahjalal, University of Calgary
Stewart C. Watson Memorial Scholarship

Focus of Study: Concrete Design, Concrete Materials, Sustainability, and Academics/Education