Committee Mission: To identify technologies and innovations which provide needed solutions for the concrete industry and help implement their use when appropriate.
Goals: The CIC will function as a steering or advisory group to the ACI Foundation Trustees regarding new technology and innovation: - identify early, emerging, and mature technologies that have a positive impact on the concrete industry, - review and assess technologies and innovations, - introduce key technologies and innovations to ACI, - support the implementation of new technologies, when appropriate.
Brian Green (Chair)
Lesley Suz Chung Ko (Vice Chair)
Staff Liason
Tricia G. Ladely
Voting Members
Oscar Antommattei
Patrick Frawley
G. Terry Harris
Erik Josephson
Carl Larosche
Brad Malmsten
John Myers
Eric Peterson
Alvaro Ruiz Emparanza
Glenn Schaefer
Ex Officios
Phil Diekemper
Rex Donahey
Mahmut Ekenel
Dean Frank
Ann Masek
Jerzy Zemajtis
CIC Homepage