Concrete Research Council

The Concrete Research Council (CRC) seeks concrete research projects that further the knowledge and sustainability of concrete materials, construction, and structures in coordination with ACI Technical Committees.


  • August 1, 2024 - the application process opens.
  • December 1, 2024 - the application process closes.
  • September 1, 2024 - PIs must notify ACI technical committee chairs that they are seeking endorsement of their proposal by this date.
  • December thru February (2025) - proposals are judged.
  • March 2025 - proposals are discussed and balloted for award.
  • Week of April 1, 2025 - PIs are contacted regarding research awards.


Submit Your Proposal

CRC RFP Application Guide

ACI Technical Committee Endorsement Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions

CRC Review Process


Funding Parameters

  • The ACI Foundation will award up to $50,000 per project for direct costs.
  • The ACI Foundation limits the indirect costs (IDC) of the research institution to 15%; institutions must waive the remainder.
  • The ACI Foundation will cover that 15% IDC. Thus, the total amount awarded could be a maximum of $57,500. [Example A: $50,000 project + $7,500 IDC (15% of $50,000) = $57,500 awarded. Example B: $45,000 project + $6,750 IDC (15% of $45,000) = $51,750 awarded.]
  • An ACI technical committee must support the research concept. Principal investigators should reach out to ACI Technical Committee chairs as soon as possible (and before September 1) to ensure the project will have the support and engagement of a committee. Read more about this requirement in the ACI Technical Committee Endorsement Instructions.
  • Topics are encouraged from all areas of concrete research.
  • An individual researcher can serve as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator on only one proposal submitted.
  • Industry partnering and project cost sharing are strongly encouraged.
  • Principal investigators shall follow the published RFP Application Guide.


Link to completed projects and 2024 award grants:

Research Projects

Help Fund Research

The ACI Foundation contributed over $1.1M to research projects in the last 3 years. "The ACI Foundation donors advance the concrete industry with a growing number of high-impact research grants. The CRC’s program has enhanced collaboration between researchers and ACI committee volunteers on worthy and applicable research for the industry. Together, we are making a difference!" -Aleksandra Radlińska, CRC Chair

Learn how you can help:
Give to the Foundation!

Charles Pankow research project

Batching and placing concrete for blocks used in research project User’s Guide to Green Concrete in Building Construction. Photo credit to Central Concrete Supply.

Major Funder: Charles Pankow Foundation

Minor Co-funder: ACI Foundation

Questions and comments should be directed to the ACI Foundation Assistant Director,  Tricia G. Ladely.