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ACI Foundation Partners to Launch Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3) Tool

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The ACI Foundation has partnered with the Carbon Leadership Forum on the formal launch of the public beta of the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3) tool.

The EC3 tool is free, open-access tool for architects, engineers, owners, construction companies, building material suppliers and policy makers to compare and reduce embodied carbon emissions from construction materials, and was launched at Greenbuild on November 19, 2019. The ACI Foundation – a not-for profit organization established by the American Concrete Institute (AC) to promote progress, innovation, and collaboration in the concrete industry through strategic investments in research, scholarships, and ideas – is a proud association partner of the EC3 tool.

With the launch of the EC3 tool, the building industry has a powerful new tool for supply chain specific analysis of embodied carbon data, utilizing the first searchable and sortable database of all United States and Canadian Environmental Product Declarations for concrete, steel, wood, glass, aluminum, insulation, gypsum, carpet and ceiling tiles. In addition, the EC3 tool is revolutionizing the EPD process. It is the first tool to create a digital EPD form and to translate all EPDs into that form for viewing and analyzing the data. “The American Concrete Institute, ACI Foundation, and the greater concrete community have been developing industry-leading knowledge on the use of concrete in innovative and sustainable development,” stated Ann M. Masek, Executive Director, ACI Foundation. “With the generous support of our members and donors, we are pleased to invest in and join the collective in bringing the EC3 tool into practice.”

ACI is conducting a webinar on the EC3 tool titled “Innovation in Concrete Construction: Considering Embodied Carbon” on December 4, 2019.  This webinar will cover basics of greenhouse gas accounting and introduce the EC3 tool as a viable means for owners, designers and contractors to reduce emissions in their building projects. The webinar will be led by Anne Ellis, ACI Past President, and Kate Simonen, Director, Carbon Leadership Forum.

Read the full EC3 tool announcement.  

Access the EC3 tool.

Sign up for the ACI University webinar on the EC3 tool.

Learn more about the EC3 Tool, and the ACI Foundation, at ACIFoundation.org.



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The ACI Foundation was established in 1989 to promote progress, innovation, and collaboration and is a wholly owned and operated non-profit subsidiary of the American Concrete Institute. Three councils make up the ACI Foundation; the Strategic Development Council, committed to resolving the issues of new technology acceptance within the concrete industry; the Concrete Research Council, which funds and assists in the research of new concrete technologies; and the Scholarship Council which facilitates student fellowships and scholarships.

For more information, please contact:

Julie Webb
ACI Foundation


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