The ACI 201 Undergraduate Concrete Durability Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student during their award term who is in a degree program that covers concrete construction, design, education, or materials, and that demonstrates an interest in durability.
The research fund seeks to advance the concrete industry through supporting concrete research projects that further the knowledge and sustainability of concrete materials, construction, and structures in coordination with ACI Committees where possible.
The American Concrete Institute financially supports the operations of the ACI Foundation in full. By contributing to the ACI Foundation's General Fund, you provide additional funds that staff can direct to where it is needed most - for increased support of mission-related initiatives or enhanced programs and operations.
The Innovation and Technologies Fund provides an in-house forum for the concrete industry where professionals from member companies, including government and academia, come together at the senior level to discuss strategic issues, new technologies and needed research. The organization strives to provide an objective voice that supports innovation and stategizes solutions to industry wide issues.
Invest in students' dreams. It's often too expensive for students to pursue higher education without additional assistance, so you can help fill this financial gap for deserving students by donating to the scholarship and fellowship fund. Based on essays, submitted data, and endorsements, scholarship and fellowship recipients who appear to have the strongest combination for professional success in the concrete industry will be selected to recieve college funding.
This scholarship was established in memory of petrographer and ACI Honorary Member Bernard Erlin in recognition of his lifetime of contributions to the concrete industry and ACI. The Bernard Erlin Memorial Scholarship will provide tuition assistance to deserving undergraduate, graduate, and Ph. D. students studying in a concrete materials-related degree porgam.
This rebate fund was established for the recognition and appreciation of the service of United States military veterans, and to help meet the demand for ACI-certified construction workers. The $50,000 donation from CMEC Holdings, Inc. will provide financial aid to veterans seeking ACI certifications to further their careers in the concrete industry - and will continue to do so until the funds are depleted.
Any United States veteran (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and National Guard) with proof of an honorable discharge is eligible for a $250 rebate on all first-time ACI certifications as the result of exams administrered on or after June 1, 2018.
Awarded to undergraduate or graduate students enrolling in a Master's program with an interest in construction. The Don Marks Memorial Fellowship provides support to students seeking a builder's "hands-on" career in the concrete construction industry. No internship is required.
The Kenneth C. Hover Honorary Fellowship has been established to honor Ken's many contributions to educating and mentoring students. Ken is a professor of civil and environmental engineering (CEE) at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, where his teaching and research focus on concrete materials, design, and construction. He is a past President and Honorary Member of ACI. This award will be given to a graduate or undergraduate student studying in any concrete-related degree program.
Named for former ACI President Richard Stehly. It is awarded to undergraduate students with a study program in the area of concrete with an emphasis on structural design, materials, or construction. Approximately half of the application essay must describe the applicant's personal activities to promote sustainability in their community. Essays that do not describe the applicant's sustainability activities will not be considered. No internship is required.
This fellowship was established in memory of past ACI President Robert F. Mast in recognition of his lifetime of contributions to ACI and the concrete industry. The Robert F. Mast Memorial Fellowship will be awarded to a graduate student studying stuctural engineering with an emphasis on reinforced concrete design or precast/prestressed concrete design. Preference will be given to students who have previously completed an undergraduate degree in architectural engineering, architecture, or similar program.
This scholarship is available to undergraduate students enrolled in a bachelor's degree program from an institution of higher education. Candidates must be in civil engineering or construction management program. Students with an interest in concrete structural design or construction are preferred. Preferences will be given to candidates attending an accredited institution in Colorado or Wyoming and that are active student members of Rocky Mountain Chapter - ACI. Students that belong to an ACI student chapter and are in good standing with an accredited institution in the United States will also be considered. A piad summer internship in the Denver Metro area is offered, but is not mandatory.
The Ronald G. Burg Leadership Fellowship has been established to honor Ron's many contributions to the concrete industry. As ACI's Executive Vice President, his visionary leadership has iniated substantial positive changes in ACI, one of which was strengthening the ACI Foundation, its impact, and culture of philanthropy within the ACI community. The fellowship will be awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student studying in any concrete-related degree program.
This fellowship was established by Dr. Surendra P. Shah, Presidential Distinguished Professor at the University of Texas, and Walter P. Murphy Emeritus Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University. Currently, Shah serves as the director of the Center of Advanced Construction Materials at University of Texas at Arlington. The S.P. Shah Fellowship will be awrded to a derserving Ph. D. candidate who is an active student member of ACI and has a passionate interest in concrete materials.
Support students who are excited to take on leadership roles in ACI. The S805 Committee is led by students, who often don't have the means to travel to conventions to particpate in person. Donating to this fund will benefit S805 student leaders by awarding them a travel stipend. Suggested donation is $1,000.
The ACI Foundation's proactive, forward-thinking, and collaborative focus offers those who are passionate about their work and legacy an institution for contributing to the future. By donating to the ACI Foundation Sustaining Fund you will help the ACI Foundation give back to the concrete industry for years to come.
Support young professionals who want to engage with the industry at ACI conventions. Your donation will offset the ACI convention registration cost for young professionals, who often don't have the support to attend conventions. Donations to this fund will boost the current Women in ACI Young Professional Registration awards, allowing their program to award more young professionals. Suggested donation is $1,000.