ACI Foundation 2024 Supporters

We extend a special thanks to our donors and truly appreciate the generous support. Participation with the ACI Foundation helps us fulfill our mission to make the world of concrete stronger, safer, and more innovative through strategic investments in concepts, research, and scholarships.

ACI Houston Chapter
Baker Construction

ACI Carolinas Chapter
ACI Southern California Chapter
Scott and Cynthia Anderson
Advancing Organizational Excellence (AOE)
Ronald G Burg and Jill A Humphrey
Concrete Industry Board Inc
Clayton and Jeanne Fischer
Kal Hindo
Master Builders Solutions US LLC
Dan Schwartz (PWE, Inc)

ACI Central Ohio Chapter
ACI Northeast Ohio Chapter
ACI Northern California and Western Nevada Chapter
ACI Ontario Chapter
ACI Quebec and Eastern Ontario Chapter
ACI Rocky Mountain Chapter
Matthew Adams
American Society of Concrete Contractors
Jeffrey W and Ayanna Coleman
Crimson Engineering Associates, Inc (Adam C Brown)
David Darwin
Alan Dausman
Martina Driscoll
Juan Esquivel
Giatec Scientific Inc
James Hanson
James R Harris
Carol Hayek
Kenneth C Hover
Keith Kesner
Keystone Structural Concrete LLC
Michael E Kreger
David A and Risë Lange
W Calvin and Barbara S McCall
Christian R Orozco
Gustavo Parra-Montesinos
Michael J and Paula Paul
Mark Perniconi
Eric S Peterson
Pivot Engineers
Randall and Bonnie Poston
Christopher Robinson
Michael J Schneider and Barbara Webb
Matthew Sherman
David G Tepke
Michael L Tholen
Ken Vallens
Wayne Brothers Inc
Webcor Builders

Corina-Maria Aldea
Mohammed T Alhaj Hussein
Katie A Amelio
Gerald H Anderson
Philios Angelides
Scott Ashworth
Emmanuel K Attiogbe
Rick Baldocchi
Peter Barlow
Craig E Barnes
Robert P Behm
Daniel T Biddle
Timothy E Bradberry
Heather J Brown
Michael Brown
Pete B Browne
Nicholas J Carino
Teck L Chua
Jo Coke
David R Cook
Royce H Cornelison
Christopher R Crouch
Michael J DeBlasio
Anthony R Decarlo Jr
Remi Delcourt
Henry P Dobbelaar Jr
Alejandro Duran-Herrera
James Bradley Ellinwood
Anne M Ellis
James A Farny
James R Fowler
Robert J Freel
Catherine E French
Brad Friederichs
Robert J Frosch
Richard Futterer
Leon Grant
Frederick H Grubbe
Donna G Halstead
Aaron P Hastie
John L Hausfeld
John R Hayes
Werner Kenneth Hellmer
Claire Hiltz
Narasimha M K Iyengar
Jose R Janela
Earl C Johnson
Jane Johnston
David W Johnston
Maria G Juenger
Kimberly Kayler
John T Kevern
Siddiq M Khan
David G Kittridge
Thomas J Kolber
Frank A Kozeliski
Tricia G Ladely
David R Lankard
Michael L Lenkin
Lawrence F Levy
Robert C Lewis
Ming Liu
James J Lynch
David L MacArthur
Brewster D Martin
Ann M Masek
Josh J Massa
Adolfo B Matamoros
Lawrence E Moore
Antonio Nanni
Charles K Nmai
William R Phillips
Bai K Prasad
Shamim Rashid-Sumar
Manuel Ray
Alexander Rochell
Charles Sacre
Nakhle Sakr
Jay P Shapiro
Matthew J Sheehan
Robert C Sinn
Leslie J Struble
Stephen S Szoke
Barena K Talukdar
Ms Carol L Tasillo
Anew W Taylor
Dilip S Thodge
Paul J Tikalsky
Lawrence J Totten
Kirk Van Matre
James Aian Van Wyk
John W Vaughan
Philip B Vaughan
Partha Vohra
George R Wargo
William E Washabaugh Jr
Charles A Weiss
William J Wilhelm
Sharon L Wood
Vincent Zappia
Anew Zickler

William F Band
Jacques A Bertrand
William Allen Boone
Joseph P Buongiorno
Carlo Cattelan
Stephen Joseph Constantinou
Marvin E Criswell
Charles D Dean
Greg Defrancisco
Rafael C Discipulo
Richard L Donovan
Buford H Evans
Antonio Ferreira
Jay M Fitzgerald
Todd L Gerhart
Mark H Gonski
Carlos L Hernandez
Mike Hopkins
Dee Jaspar
Gregory Johnson
John W Johnston
Greg E Juell
Stephen C Knauss
Samuel J Lines
Steven L Maresca
Kevin J Miley
S Ali Mirza
John J Myers
David R Nau
Max L Porter
William S Price
Spencer S Quesenberry
Michael H Rafter
Terrance G Reynolds
Piero Caputo Roiguez
Luis A Romero
Larry Rowland
Scott Sabol
Raul H Santa Maria
Alan J Schweickhardt
Ziduan Joshua Shang
Uijeon Shim
Louis J Sovak
Steven Stelzer
Gururaj Srinivasachar Thali
Travis Thonstad
Daniel B Toon
Orville R Werner II
Shane Henry Yanagisawa
Ray Zelinski

This list was last updated on 1/1/25

  • “It’s important to give back. When I donate to the ACI Foundation, the money is going to the students and industry research. I believe in that. It’s also important to honor the legacy of those who came before me. The Michael Thomas Concrete Durability Award was important for me to champion.”
    - Michelle Wilson, Senior Director of Concrete Technology and Industry Outreach for the Portland Cement Association (PCA)

  • “ACI fulfills an essential role in the concrete construction industry by maintaining standards, guides, and codes, and providing education opportunities. That is why ACI members are willing to volunteer their time to the ACI mission and invest resources in the ACI Foundation. If ACI is to be ‘always advancing,’ we need an effective ACI Foundation to encourage the next generation of professionals.”
    - David Lange, Professor Emeritus of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • “It’s been hugely impactful in my career to be involved in ACI. It’s afforded me numerous opportunities in the development of my career, and being able to give back through the Foundation is incredibly important. I saw the recent study from the ACI Foundation about the high percentage [93%] of individuals who stay in the industry after receiving a fellowship or scholarship—that’s a very high return on investment. We didn’t have these kinds of opportunities when I joined and, given the environment we’re in and how hard it is for students to get funding, this is the way to nurture and cultivate new leaders for the industry.”
    - Randall Poston, Founder of Pivot Engineers